Monday, April 13, 2020

About the relationship of humans with apes

I do not know much, if anything at all, about gorillas etc, but I have heard that in Africa in Congo there has been civil war of humans with gorillas. As far as I know apes are much like humans and not like the wild nature, so the relationships of humans with apes may be like relationships between humans. If anyway gorillas are classified as animals, some may neglect their basic rights as humans and be more likely to kill them by shooting or the like, and so the apes may take that as a personal threath and want ot conquer the arms etc. To such the cure would be civiliced liberal-minded behaviour that takes apes as one type of humans, and so the need of war would be smaller in the eyes of apes.
All differencies between character types are not fullt ime. Some may be hard at work but enjoy a comfortable sofa at home. That also creates understanding and communication ground between different types of persons.
If things get more criminal in evening or night time when it is dark, such is also a feature of the all-build environment. So placing streetlights so that they shed beautifully light to some tree, could maybe make life more peaceful and rekaxed in the evening and night time.

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