Sunday, December 27, 2020

About high position

 A high position in the sense of having an important job, often means that such individual's life is somehow restricted. The job determines a lot about it and so it does not have so much freedom like ordinary people have. So influencies from polityicians, priests, and other people with an important job, maybe restrict one's possibilities to choose freely in one's life what to do and what to be like, even if one aims at being fit into the society.

A high position in the sense of being moral and skilled isn't such a job. It gives lesspossibilities to affect large scale things but leaves one's rights as a citizen untouched. If some such big things needs safeguarding, such is the right of all who behave morally in it and in skilled enough ways.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

About the military service


E16. 30th of September 2020   Boys and men being malicious toward girls and women is at least partly a question of thinking that boys and men are forced to get themselves killed in a war while women and girls not. But that is not quite so, since the benefit for a country of men going to war is to defend the country, to defend the good sides of it's way of life, circumstancies, values, for of government, skill level etc. And that in practice means that they have to have a some kind of army that is alive. A man getting killed in the war is no longer useful to one's country, so ´getting killed is not at all the idea of having an army. There are several ways of avoiding people getting killed. One is to avoid war but not at all costs. Another is to have so much skills that one does not automatically get killed, and here one must remember that you must invest on the skills of your own country instead of sticking to the skills levels of other countries, since those have different strenghts to help them. And you can fiught milder, not at all costs but instead in wise ways that respoect values and that safeguard against betrayals, traps, lies etc. So an army ought not be a question of getting killed, there is just the danger of dying and that is why one should count on skills and on the strenghts learned from civilian life, and not do stupid deeds. When kids are young, they rae typically asked if they would like to go to the military service when they are young adults, and typically boys always answer that they want to go to the army while girls say that they do not want since it is planned just for boys, but maybe they too want to keep such option available. So as older they are just asked, do you still want to go to the military service, have ýou so decided? It is important to have skills for life, but in a society that means also that those with skills have to take care of such things for the whole country, like is wise. But military matters interest just about all, so all have some kind of opinions and tactis an´bout them, but the opinions differ and so differ the tactics too, and so men and women choose different roads in life even though they all need to take care of the military things too, but being commanded by young boys isn't the way for a country to defend well.

Friday, August 28, 2020

What was Russian tsar like

As far as I know Russian tsar when he ruled was an individual interested in the upbringing of children and in getting people to do their work in a good quality way and to carry responsibility as parts of the nation. For that purpose when the tsar travelled he did or bought something done in a good quality way or otherwise so that it would make the local people do work in a good qualiuty way, use their own understanding and carry responsibility as parts of the nation - and this oughty to have been so that they in turn would have got other similarly to the right tracks for the nation to work well and people be healthy happy and free´ina civilized way. But I guess that this meant that the tsar did not have much power to command, more likely to listen to what professionals and wise people with common sense say. And the big things like trans-Siberian railway were propably the needs of the time by the opinion of many professionals and tsar was just the figure head in them, in a good quality way so as to get the nation to work well. And as such it maybe does not matter so much that he is not in power, but it disturbs the nation a lot if such deeds are opposed and not valued. Children upbringing is important for the nation and for the wide world, for the people themselves, for their happiness and possibilites in life, for what the society develops to in what comes to the quality of life and the skill level and wisdom in use.

29th of August 2020   A picture from a brochure of the fishing hut of the Russian tsar in Kotka in southern Finland.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Understanding men and women

From my gnome skills text

D12. 6th of August 2020   Some women create social tangles by how they associate with men and especially boys. They kind of like their ways and so they drown to each subject so that they lose sight of rationality and good quality and moral and the guidelines of bringing up children, and so they may end up in a danger of being beaten. If one wants to understand men and boys, one ought not drown in each subject of conversation but instead pay attention to what is the other poerson's way of thinking, see it as one picture as a aprt of one's thoughts/view, and see how good thinking ability the other one has: what he observes and what not, and what kinds of things he always errs in. In addition one ought to know his situation of life, what are the major factors in it, what kinds of social situations he tends to have and what tends to happen in them and what he so chooses as his tactic and what it leads to. And what kind of social pressure there is on him, what kind of place offered, in use, what he considers an imago question and how he handles such and what he so takes care of and what not,what does the situation look in his eyes and what objectively, what in the eyes of others. And so what is the society like and how are important things taken care of.

D13.   Some men do not understand women. The reason is that they think that all women are roughly alike and try to search for some common womanhood and so think that all women have all other women's characteristics, and that of course does not work out! Women aren't so complex. And individual differencies are typically bigger than the differencies between women and men. Different women are mostly characterised by the country, climate and culture they themselves are from, and what areas of life they personally feel inclined toward, and what are their skill levels, values and type of social relationships, and what professionm they are in and what situation of life they have in the biggest respects. Often men also confuse different types of women to be the same person, or alike because of profession even if they have different ways and different types of major hobbies, likings etc."

Friday, June 19, 2020

Women wishing for work like men's work

Some women do lot of evil, and often the reason for that is that they would like work like men's work, but when they are given such, they want something else, for example more social or wider ins cope, but refuse call it some other version, and so they again are given very boring men's work and so they get tired in a day or so and quit. They should pay attention to what expressions are used of each choice about w´how to do work, and change the exporession to suit their present view of what kind of work they want.
My mom liked her work a lot. And she had blue jeans, quite worn but without holes, quite nice looking, somewhat female but kept much like some men might keep theirs and not very finely. She also had a kind of ball shaped woolen shirt with dots (single knitted loops) of another colour. She had a hair almost to the shoulders witrh sorter above the eyes. It was kind of man like yet recignisedly female, very work oriented. She enjoyed her work very much.

Monday, June 1, 2020

The rights of people (and animals)

What rights a person has is based on behaving ways fit into a society, morally that is and with healthy common sense, objectively. How much rights each person has depends on how much skills they have and how much responsibility they carry about each area of life and of the world. Also situations matter and one needs to take into account what the person himself/hetrself is like. If someone used to be evil in something, one needs to make lots of extra precautions before one has the right to influence such much like others. Also interests affect. If one has some influence from the more skilled, such does not bring as high skill as the skilled have ordinarily, and it does not fit together with one's whole picture of the world, one's work ethic, habits, values, inclination etc, and so it does not bring as high rights.
Also one needs to take into account what are the social relationships between persons. generally one has the right to affect one's own life in ways fit into the society, but not the lives of others, except fairly isok. If one likes some person, that person typically has the right to come near and live one's ife near by,while others cannot by copying or by classifications adopt the same rights. Humans and animals differ in characteristics, so that typically they have different rights, for example small animals often have the right to come so near that they are clearly seen, while humans would be too close that near. Animals and humans also do not share the same sphere of life, are not interested in the same things and so an animal passing by or in the company is often ok, does not affect much, while humans coming as near would be a nuisance since they want to mess with one's life.

Monday, April 13, 2020

About the relationship of humans with apes

I do not know much, if anything at all, about gorillas etc, but I have heard that in Africa in Congo there has been civil war of humans with gorillas. As far as I know apes are much like humans and not like the wild nature, so the relationships of humans with apes may be like relationships between humans. If anyway gorillas are classified as animals, some may neglect their basic rights as humans and be more likely to kill them by shooting or the like, and so the apes may take that as a personal threath and want ot conquer the arms etc. To such the cure would be civiliced liberal-minded behaviour that takes apes as one type of humans, and so the need of war would be smaller in the eyes of apes.
All differencies between character types are not fullt ime. Some may be hard at work but enjoy a comfortable sofa at home. That also creates understanding and communication ground between different types of persons.
If things get more criminal in evening or night time when it is dark, such is also a feature of the all-build environment. So placing streetlights so that they shed beautifully light to some tree, could maybe make life more peaceful and rekaxed in the evening and night time.

Friday, April 10, 2020

About how an army is possible

I am a woman and so I have always thought that an army is in these modern times quite as simple and straightforward question as in the old times: one just learns skills for life and if needed such are useful in the army too. But boys maybe in the beginning and maybe later too take army too much to their heart and so they start on their own all kinds of endeavours which ought to give high skills and military advantage in their opinion but which in practice just destroy the whole thing and maybe even make an army impossible. So how is an army possible? One ought not take a too big bite, not too demanding task, and one oguht to take care things things stay well in tehs ociety and get cured well again if they are not well. That means that one must ally with the civilized views of very many countries, not at their literal level but at the level of universal values and objectivity, at the levl of what the world largely is and what the good things are based on like trade for example. A very close contact is often a clash, so such is not advisable. Instead one should follow civiliced ways so much that they solve problems one otherwise would have. Instead of aiming at an unwincible army of high might, one ought to aim at having at least some kind of army or an attempt at defending a country and not at a mess to begin with, not at ruining everything already at peace time. Thta means having basic skills, for example being sporty and understanding about the things that are goals in the society.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


A ruler is not a boss

A king or whoever ruling is like a street maintenance unit arranging things for a certain area. People living on that area are not subordinates of them, even though they may respect the needs of that kind of work there. Likewise a gardener cares for a garden and is not a boss of those who visit the garden, even though the garden may be his/her kingdom, his/her opinions there respected but that's it, it is not a question of commanding.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Beautiful things in the tough world

If the world sometimes seems too tough to allow well beautiful things and peaceful life according to feelings, pay attention to structures, look so that you see at the same time both the concretical structure that is important from the point of view of tough realism and of how things work in practice, and at the same time see the finer structure of the things, their atmospheres too, so that you know what they are like for skills and for life. So you can choose goo´d structures and your choices are good for skills too and for living your life and for life in the society and in the world, anmd so you can choose accprding to feelings, live a life according to feelings at the excuse of havimng followed tough realism.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

A melody: peoples cooperating in European way

Thinking of peoples cooperating in Eiuropean ways, in harmony of individuals and cultures
Thinking of the Eurovision song contest brought this subject to my mind, aversion of singing in a choir.

"26th of February 2020   I was thinking of åepåle living in harmony in a way that is reflected in singing in a choir, or learned from it, and thought of people from different continents singing, but I do not know what it affected that it was just a thought.
There are three parts in this: 10/4 theory, 8/4 practice and 8/4 ideals.
Was thinking of the harmony of the choir, not nedessarily of it's melody.Could it work out as chords accoimpment?

5th of March 2020 These three parts would beif I remember right: 1. rationally, 2. in practical chores, 3. ideals. I wrote also fourth part and it would be: 4. collecting these to living ordinarily. It is half-notes: E, A, F and C.

22th of March 2020
A bird in a tree outside this apartment house I live in, asked for a similar harmony for birds, so I made thsi melody for them:


Sunday, February 16, 2020

Wishing well for the world is benefical

Listen to your sensations, compare how well do not feel and especially what you estimate how your health would develop in the near future, would you fall ill and/or get into accidents or feel well, if you either wished well for the world, kind of very beautifully with healthy spirit, and tried to follow that line in your life, even if that does not affect much, or did not care about the world and did not wish well for the world at large. Wishing well for the world makers one wished for the in the world, as if people would wish you to stay healthy, kind of feeling well because people like your course in the world, energetic and wihtout serious obstructions.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


Even if the society is the same and social relationships not friendlier, people can have different amounts of freedom to do what they want. Typically the society wants to arrange good life possible for all the ounger generations, and for the older too, so the ordinary official options to choose one's profession, hobbies, place of living, spouce, social relationships and walues as far as they fit into a society, are intended by the older, more experienced generations to be real options, real possibilities to choose what one wants. That is why one ought not choose some social style or social classification which says that one ought not invest in the official options at all, but instead, regardless of what one otherwise chooces, use the official possibilities for choosing fully. But that does not always work out, since one needs extra skills or socially likable style or the like, but anyway one has in those occasions the support of the older generations' woisdom.
About one's possibility to choose freely hobbies etc, as far as those are fit into the society, the Finnish rule "Live and let others live" helps a lot: