Thursday, March 4, 2021

Fair position

"G62.   4th of March 2021    I have given my pets position in a good well working way, the same way I give to others, regardless of age, sex, species etc, both to humans and animals and possible other beings. Each one gets position according to how much understanding and skills they have and how moral they are in the questions etc affected, i.e. one ought to affect toward good of the world and of the society and of the persons, both humans and animals, affected. My poodle Banjo has typically had a good position since he has had 12 years time to learn and adapt to this and he has a good understanding and good will, is interested in the things affected and is considerate and good willing toward others. But in giving position one needs to make safety precautions if someone has not been good enough earlier always, and also if one does not know something for sure. If your skills are not high enough to estimate something, you cannot give high position based on that, but instead just say that it might be but you cannot estimate since your skills are not enough. Generally I think that such position just exists according to justice, it is not exactly ginen by someone, even though one must be considerate toward those affected."

From my Christmas gnome skills text