Sunday, November 17, 2019

Two texts: angels and devils


"Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Angels or the voice of what fits the human (& animal) nature

I somehow got stuck in the English version od my text about gnomes or gnome like fascination of things in modern town life. I wonder if that is because Finns tend to question tale like things and figure out explanations to them in ways which would support good life with good spirit at large if cultivated such. So instead of no tales we end up with something that has a good spirit but that is not exactly the same as the tale, but is much more long lasting tahn just trying to lie the tale into reality. So if gnomes interest, what about angels then? Neither one is my hobby but I can try to explain something about angels too.
On the concretical level angels seem to refer to either birds or humans, but on the other hand more meaningful is what the angel does and what it is like. If something is like a great relief, in some cultures they call it a deed of an angel, but that is culture dependent since in some countries such names are benefical for the one who is so called, and in ohers harmful. It is also something like saying: "That is almost ytoo much, but well tank you for doing it." Which is maybe good in care professions: caring for a moment, when needed, doing good quality job,but then resting too, not overstarining if not necessarily needed. On the other hand in jobs like university and school there is the need to stay rational and to appear rational in the eyes of others, so that saying that something is too much or done only because of virtues of character, kind of takes away the strenght in one'sd words, is not convincing, doe snot seem to fit as a rule to concern all.
Deeds of angels are thought to be quite or even very strenous and that is why those are thanked for, strenous but needed. How is it possible to do such without getting too tired to do such? If one needs strenght, healthy natural ages old ways of living are a good choise then. And healthy natural ways of living are what is good for getting cured and for getting a good life also in other matters, so that choice is aöready much of what the others need from an "angel". Making such good choices, such changes in one's ways of living toward better, makes one typically more sensitively observing, more fine tuned, and on the other hand such sensitive taking things into account is much of what considerate ways people need from an "angel".
Sometimes not at all moral people wish to be called sometimes an angel, so that they could take it as position over more moral individuals, so it is important to notice that an angel usually cares for single individual's need, which is in a hierargy in the society or in the world not at all as high as moral individuals."

"Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Devils and following different wanting in the same action as the others

This text is the third in a series of gnomes & angels.
As far as I know, there are several types of devils. ypical to them is that they follow some other goalsetting and some other values than the others in the group that terms them devils, values that do not cultivate at all the things the others care about. So the social group has accepted the "devil" in a too deep way to be a part of the group, a more distant relationship would typically have solved the problem. On the other hand the devil does something toward his own goals but mistakenly spreads the effect over a so large group that it causes harm to others, either to the things they do or to their lives or to the possibilities of good life in the socviety. There are two typical reasons for this: either the devil considers evil deeds soldier like handsomeness or then he/she wants to restrict his/her life to a certain profession but mistakenly competes in influence with others interested in other areas of life while he/she should have instead left those subject and the wider areas to be ruled by society's civilized ways and the work of each profession on it's area of life. Sometimes such misunderstandings get caused by school emphasizing engineering like ways to think without mentioning that they belong to engineering and are not fitted to ruling the world."

* *

A third text: Christmas   
These are from my tale figures blog attempt

Gnomes belong to Christmas, some angel decorations too but devils not, but maybe when one associates too closely with family members, they maybe get nearer than what is good for oneself and for the relations to work, but on the other hand during Christmas all are in a good mood and so they get better along the couple of days needed before one typically meets friends again and goes to hobbies. Good food, traditions, presents, some religion, being with the weather and caring for winter skills and of course good will bring pleasantness to the Christmas. On the dark winter days in November and December such celebration is dearly needed. Also school and work are a bigger burden then and it is nice to make Christmas preparations, presents, handiworks and eat some cookies.
I have written of weather skills at and of curing illnesses at . Handiworks are also a nice hobby . Good food brings warmth to depressed or squeezed people . All people do not rise to their full potential in school or work but instead during free time and via wider interests and hobbies & good will, and so the society rises to better life with greater wisdom via prayer and liberal-minded good will and wider civilized ways and with healthy spirit. Songs too serve to rise the level of wisdom of life and the ability to trust feelings with wisdom. 

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A leader is not responsible of subordinate's deeds

As a kid I wanted to be a leader in the future. Other kids said that if I for example as a captain in a war commanded my subordinates, I ought to carry responsibility about what they do and not the subordinates themselves, and they widened it to that they do not need to carry any responsibility themselves. At that age I agreed that when one commands subordinates ina war, one causes what they do if they obey the command, and so the one commanding should carry responsibility about what one commands, but I did not think that subordinates would not need have any responsibility themselves.
Now as an adult I think that one needs to carry responsibility about what one causes and about the quality of what one does and about the values that one respects, regardless of whether one is an subordinate or commands others. People cause things also in more slight ways than commanding. And usually people do not follow orders in a straightforward way but isntead use their own understanding, which of course is a good thing but demands responsibility, beautiful enough values. So if one for example causes some tendency, one ought to carry responsibility of it's consequences. Or if one chooces a certain tactique, one ought to carry responsibility over how it changes things and what it causes. Etc.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Honesty is important

365. Usually accusations, harm etc are very harmful to those who do not have any tendency to such but are instead very different themselves, since if they get such harm, all think that it is some major error in how things are in the world, something like a sign of the end of the world or of the old ways&values in the society, and so they think that they cannot cure such a big thing. While if such is accused or harm done to a person who has a quite big tendency to such faults herself/himself, then she/he and all her/his aquiantages are ready for such, they have well working ways to cure the situation to wise ways and their pictures of the world and their social eye stay unharmed."

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Tranquil harmony

I wonder if tranquil harmony isn't like a master being skilled, protecting things, since such is somewhat like a continuous fight. It is more likely that tranquil harmony is something you meet if you are quite much just some wheel in the workings of the working place, and then if there is some place like a sauna quite near by with some greenery too, where you can take a sauna bath with your family, kids runnning around in the lawn. Then you are protected by civiliced wisdom, civiliced ways, but do not command, ruin things, insterad you have some wisdom of life and a moment for your family, somehow the pleasantness supported by traditional ways.

But it is also so that if you are in harmony with the nature of things and with the nature of people, like living a healthy kind of life wiuth healthy spirit and having a positive view toward free time, likings, people's own deeper understanding, ideals and the like. Then you can have tranquil harmony also if you are more skilled than others, and kind of be one tune to helplives in the environment to pleasant wise ways.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Piece of melody about moral

I tried to put in note form what kind of approach makes moral quite easy, kind of softens it, makes it such that it isn't a burden at all.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

A text in Finnish language

"Ketä vastaan ja kenen puolesta soditaan
Helsingissä asuessani vaikutti siltä, että nuorten miesten maanpuolustustahto oli olematon ja että olivat jotenkin hahmottaneet väärin koko kysymyksen, pahantekoon innostuen.
Itsenäisestä valtiosta on se hyöty, että se tarjoaa asukkailleen paremmat elämänmahdollisuudet, sekä sivistyksensä että kulttuurinsa avulla. Jos jostakin ulkomaasta tulee paljon vaikutetta ja etenkin jos se määrää kotimaisten tahojen ylitse, niin tapoja, joilla asiat järjestetäänja miten eletään,e i saada säädettyä paikallisten tarpeiden mukaan vaan ne säätyvät ainakin osin tuolta ulkomaasta, ja se voi joissakin tapauksissa olla hyväksi, milloin tuota kulttuurivaikutetta ja yhteistyötä halutaan, ja joissakin tapauksessa se voi olla haitaksi, ja silloin yritetään saada enemmän etäisyyttä siihen maahan, ja jos se on kovin suureksi haitaksi, niin sitä yritetään vastustaa jopa sodankin keinoin, koska sota silloin koetaan peinemmäksi haitaksi, mutta se merkitsee, että kyseessä ovat isot olennaiset elämäntavan ja järjestelyjen piirteet eikä jotkin pikkujutut.
Nykymaailmassa ydinpommien olemassaolo on aiheuttanut sen, että käsitys sodankäynnistä on muuttunut varovaisemmaksi ja pasifismiin pyrkivämmäksi, mistä on se ongelma, että ongelmia ja ei-toivotulla tavalla käyttäytyviä ulkomaalaisia siedetään maailmassa turhankin paljon, ja niin jokin rauha, eheys, ennallaan pysyminen, tavallinen elämä kärsii siitä sun tästä sabotaasista, josta osa on sitä, että yksilö on tullut liian kauaksi kulttuurista, jonka tavalla haluaisi elää, ja osa taas johtuu siitä, että kun kulttuuri ei ole ollut kyllin vapautta tukeva ja muutoille otollinen, niin moni on jäänyt paikkaan tai sosiaaliseen lokeroon, jonka kokee ikeenä, jota haluaa vastustaa, sen sijaan, että olsii uskaltanut tehdä isot elämänvalinnat kuten ammatti, asuinmaa, asuinpaikka ja rakastamansa puoliso omien aitojen toiveidensa mukaan,niin kuin tervehenkistä on. Kun ihmiset eivät ole uskaltaneet tehdä omia elämänvalintoja avoimesti, esim. ammatti ja ystävät, niin heidän ymmärryksensä' siitä, miksi toiset ovat sellaisia kuin ovat, ja miksi ja mitä he ovat itse asiassa valinneet, on jäänyt heikommaksi, ja niin moni ei ymmärrä vastakkaista sukupuolta paljoakaan, esim. että miksi se on olemassa ja sallitaan, vaan jokin kuviossa painaa heitä kovin, kai siksi, etteivät ole haavepaikkakunnallaan ja haaveammattien kanssa, joidenparissa viihtyvät. Tämä on yksi esimerkki vahingollisesta, ilmeisestio ulkomaisen kulttuurivaikutteen myötä tulleesta piirteestä, jonka vahingollisuus ei ole kaikille heti selvä.
Ulkomaista puheen ollen mainitaan usein kliseitä. Jotta Suomi isomman maan vieressäolisi itsenäinen käytännössä, on mainittava, että Suomi puolustautuu Venäjää vastaa myös tarpeen tullen aseellisesti. Sem sijaan pienemmistä tai etäisemmistä maista ei ole niin tarpeen sitä mainita. Etenkin, kun kansainvälinern matkailu on nykymaailmassa kovin vaivatonta, voi kulttuurin elinoloja heikentäviä uhkia tulla kauempaakin, ja ne ovat silloin usein muuta kuin perinteinen sota,pikemminkin tervehenkisyydellä puolustettavia kuin tarkalleen artikuloidusti etukäteen tunnistettuja, ja pikemminkin sosiaalisen elämän ja sosiaalisen silmän arvovalintoihin liittyvän tervehenkisyyden tajun varassa kuin kovin klisheemäisesti tai vain rajalla."

Thursday, September 19, 2019

My method of solving large scale problems

I have been interested in solving large scale problems of the world for years and also learned some method that often works well. I have lots of experience and skills in objectuve thinking.
One should see what are the parts of the situation, it's main elements. And then observe each of them in their natural place in the world, undisturbed from their ordinary context and their ordinary life, ways of thinking etc. That is a way to understand them. Then one should place them each to their right place in a well working healthily build society, it's daily life. And that often works out as a solution: well working society, ordinary daily life and the elements as parts of it. But it demands a good view of what a well working society is like. Often one can find the correct place of an element by thinking via the ages old healthy natural ways of living and being a part of a society and of the wide world, and placing the element seen in the light of these values to it's right civiliced place in the society and the world.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Interest in space travel makes one much more stupid, some cures to it


I copy it here:

Too much influence from engineering around the world

Last Sunday 21th of July 2019 it was 50 years since man first set foot on the Moon. It seems that just about all around the world watched the video from that. And so all got lots of influence from engineering, also from others, since the day was the same for all. 50 years ago that was a big change in pictures of the world, I guess, but now it is just a piece of news. Yet surprisingly many are interested in space travel or in engineering, and so the effect lasts for some time, while 50 years ago it lasted the whole 1970's or so.
So I guess that one needs effective means of smallening the amount of influence from engineering. The first advice is of course that one should not oneself be so interested in engineering, not classify it so important. In addition one ought to avoid in terest ins space travel, conversations in engineering style or about engineering, take distance to people who term engineering important, etc. And for oneself, one ought to learn skills in other areas of life, and do it with good quality, from the beginning too, since engineerting often disturbs one's abilities of observation, and so one should be interested in looking complex natural landscapes with a  good eyesight, a good understanding and the sense of atmosphere tones.
 For those who want more distance to engineering, my blog might help. Also my long text "Gnome like life in the modern world" might fit some.

Generally to stuck head in some work that handles practical things, maybe helps a branch of a tree to look at, since it has more varied natural rythms in it's shape. About learning thinking skills, see

White colour in the meaning "moral", advices

I had a white spitz type of companion and guard dog,a Japanese spitz boy that died at the age of 11 and half years. The white colour went quite nicely for us, so I write here some advices about how we lived on connection with the white colour. The dog was on older years a skilled healerbut somehow on the mental or spiritual side (see my view on curing at , in Finnish at ), but said at the age of ten, almost eleven, that he had helped as many so as he had white hairs in his coat, which was a huge number.
I trandslate from my Finniosh text :

"White is just a colour, like other colours. It fits for example a landscape that has different colours.
The white colour goes lightly with joyful light colours like with a little bit of red, which lightens the burden, makes it easier.
All animals and all humans, regardless of colour, are demanded to behave ina way fit into a society. That is good enough to be white. The white colour does not set special demands, except that if it sometimes gives higher position, then one ought to carry responsibility about how one affects things in a such position.
The white colour isn't grey, one does not need to do lots of labour or serve. The things that one needs to take care of one has better strenght for them if the basic current of one's own life is strong and undisturbed, for example healthy ways of living according to one's likings and wishes for the moment, plus basic life typical to dogs, that dogs like.
 "Live and let others live" is a good type of moral and of getting along and getting room to live in for oneself: each one sovereign like the branches of park's trees, one must onot interfere with the branches of others, with their own life that is, if they do not unfairly disturb others.
Think what is like ages old life according to the nature of humans and animals,our ideals are born from it, think how that way of life with it's parts touches your feelings and use that as your motivation when you need some courage but the situation isn' t too demanding.
A guard dog ought to have always along the view of ordinary good mood quite friendly life.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Short melody: reaching for harmony

14.5.2019 quite early evening
I tried to compose something about reaching for harmony:

5th of July 2019
Another piece:

17th of July 2019 The latter note could maybe help in peace processes.

20.8.2019   Yesterday I tried to play the melody, but playing what one has oneself composed seems difficult since one does not remember the thing ib music form, and so it is quite alien, unlike playing the ordinary songs of others.

13th of December 2019

Monday, April 15, 2019

29 points of view which support the paradise of healthy world


K. Gibran (a famous writer from Lebanon): " I have chosen both the joys of this world and peace in the world to come. Because I feel in my heart that the Upmost Poet wrote just one poem and its structure is perfect."

The concept of health is good for fitting together all the different viewpoints:
1) POWER (health gives strenght),
2) BENEFIT (health gives a strong and well arranged working force and consequently a high standard of living from which to benefit, healthy goals give a strong motivation),
3) FREEDOM (live and let others live is a rule to follow in order to achieve a maximum amount of freedom for everyone and a healthy society in this sense),
4) CONTROL (the health of practises makes people agree with the practises and creates no opposing forces),
5) life according to FEELINGS (healthily according to feelings is a part of the full health),
6) MORAL (moral means guarding the good health of the whole world, evil means needless breaking),
7) SCIENCE (a healthy animal is the fittest),
8) most RELIGIONs (a healthy world / a paradise and good moral are things to aim at),
9) COMPUTER logic (healthy = fully functioning = times 1, broken = non-funtioning = times 0),
10) COMMON SENSE (health is a common sense concept which all know well),
11) the UNBRINGING OF CHILDREN (those who bring up children are typically for healthy ways of living and good moral),
12) the views of the TRADITIONAL Finnish culture and propably of most other CULTURES too (it is good to cultivate good health and stupid to break needlessly),
13) a view capable of HANDLING LARGE INTERCONNECTED SYSTEMS (health is a good concept which can be generalised to all kinds of systems),
14) a SEXuality oriented view (what could be more attractive than health and happiness),
15) the points of view of aiming at MANliness or WOMANliness (healthy natural life according to emotions is what the charm and capacity of each sex is based on),
16) the view that NO MATERIAL WORLD exists (the wholes stay unchanged and the truth about healthy versus broken functioning stays valid),
17) the wish to PROTECT NATURE (health of the world means among other things the protection of nature),
18) the wish to DEVELOP TECHNOLOGY (a healthy life in a nature environment should bring the best ground for theoretical intelligence - see my pages and and
19) the need to SECURE THE FUTURE.
20) a picture of humans according to which there is NO need for anyone to do experiments on humans like those during the HOLOCAUST
21) the hopes of exhausted WORKERS NEEDING REST and variation to their lives
22) the dream of just about all SCHOOL CHILDREN of more life and less dry school like things (see my book Work Efficiency and Likings for the rationality of feelings and the role of atmospheres in thinking) (This is my weakest point.)
23) the goal of solving the FIGHT BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL in a positive way via the concept of health - which should give you what you want or even more...
24) the SOVINIST point of view of wanting everything to be well grounded on hard values too (see my two books!)
25) the FEMINIST point of view of wanting respect for women's values: for feelings and moral (see my two books for the fitting together of these last two!)
26) hard WAR like rationality i.e. pure power play like if evil got to rule the world and there would be a fight over who is the strongest (health gives strength)
27) a view completely according to feelings and even the sense of BEAUTY
28) It is a view that could PREVENT people being CONTROLled BY the force of TECHNOLOGY etc. in a way that is in contradiction with the freedom of individuals or moral. (Health of the whole i.e. high moral is the most beneficial way to arrange things.)
29) ONE'S OWN GOOD, so that the harder one reaches for any goal or the harder one is pushed toward any direction, the more moral and positive for happiness one becomes (Health and allying with the health of the world = excellent moral, gives the strongest allegiancy.)

All these 28 viewpoints support the global paradise of a healthy world as the very best option when wacthed from that point of view.

Why happens this to be so? Is it just an unlikely coincidence? No: it is a truth which we can well trust since the EVOLUTION has shaped us so that our health and health of the society are what our nature, our feelings, instincts (= directions) and understanding (= a map, directed only because we have the goal of answering our needs which the feelings and instincts too help to answer) together, guide us toward and what gives us, the society and the world at large its best possible functioning.
A quotation from my paradise theory book

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Women's position

In Finland all children go to school and people conversate a lot, with both women and men, and with kids too. In Finland women's rights are quite well, much better than in many coiuntries.

My experience says that position in a group goes typically to those who well and aloud support the basic things of the group, while too intelligent far fetched solutions are dropped away. Men appear in Finland, at least in the capital district where I grew up, more stupid on average than Finnish women, so that men are often very satisfied with the basic workings of groups and find them interesting and pleasant, while women would long for some more insoght, and so position in such groups goes more often to men than to women, and when it goes to women they are not so satisfied with things anyway. And when some level is lower than that of average men, boys often find such things good or excellent and so they serve as forefigures of people who get nicely along with such things. Women'sposition gets lower also via emphazis on nursing instead of on picture of the world and getting the society well, honestly. Such I think are reasons for poor women'sposition also abroad, plus lack of education.

If you would have earned position but did not get it, say basic things clearly, (so that it is clear for all that you know those things and take care of them diligently, that you really are motivated to those things.)

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Instead of assuming people have different nature pay attention to the benefits they reach for in that

Often people who suppose that different people have different ages old nature which may be evil too, end up interpreting ordinary rules of behaviour as if one ought to allow evil deeds freely, but that is an error in the picture of the world. All people and animals have at a general level the same basic nature which includes using the senses, moving, eating, understanding, feeling, being part of the social environment for example of the society, communicating in some way, etc. It does not include things that are consequences of the way of w´grew uo or the like, even though it ind´cludes a good understanding and being in a good way a part of the society. Typically people who like to be termed evil, malicious or the like, search for some benefit in sio doing, for example gaining position, rights, some classification for themselves, some reputation that gives the social support, some type of things to do that they like doing, etc, and the situation would oftne be quite easy to understand if one noticed those benefits and centered one's understanding of the situation largely on them being a quite big motivation.

Often people see differencies in how war like one's views are as a conflict that they do not know how to solve, but typically on a general level just about all have the same view: to live their life  while being strong enough to protect and keep their sides, but their social pictures of the world are very different, likewise their level and type of social eye and wisdom of life, and so their favourite professions with their skills, skill level and task in the society and maybe in the world are very different.