Thursday, December 21, 2023

Good will may help in sports skills

 Ja lieneekö ollenkaan sattumaa, että eilen sitten taitavaksi luokiteltuna tilasin domainin , lieneekö koululaisten pää sellainen, joka samaistaa ajattelukapasiteetin ja taistelutaidot? Minusta ne ovat käytännössä ihan eri juttu, sillä idea, miten osata jokin liike, on eri asia kuin harrastaa sellaista liikuntaa ja käytännössä oppia, miten se menee. 

"Is it school pupils who may think that thinking capacity is or could be the same as the martial arts skills? I think that those are in practice completely different things, since an idea of how to be able to move in a certain way is very different thing from having such motion in one's hobby and learning how such goes in practice." 

If a person's body reflects one's view to the world, martial arts which rely on making the other either lose balance or finding the other person's weak points or directions in which the other person's movement isn't so good, then those give some strong side to the person who wishes well for the word and understand in a good enough quality what works well, how to balance wholes etc. I.e. world wide moral and a good general skill level plus healthy wisdom of life help. 

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