Sunday, December 26, 2021

Conquering versus natural areas

 In the news it was told of a Swedish family which moved to live in the border of Finland and Russia. Or then it was someone from the Finnish capital district who liked Sweden. Anyway they fell trees and maybe killed peaceful wanderers with old times tools, and they themselves seemed somewhat like from engineering background, and so they srranged everything as if for Swedish rule, while that ruined the only area in the world where somewhat Kalevala like ways of luving are dtill followed, or have ever been. Kalevala is famous, but it is followed only somewhere in the world. Thst is the natural place for it, even though it is much liked also elsewhere. Sweden is also famous but of course different, and it too is mostly followed only in Sweden and somewhat in the Swedisd speaking wedt coast of Finland. That is it's natural place. Conquering areas does not make the cultural demand greater. In Finland there has been Swedish ingöuence for hundreds of years, yet Finland is an edge nation if a big nation while Sweden is a fascinating looking small nation among small nations. In Finland Finns typically could choose Swedish ways but point sfter point they cjoose the bedt alternatives and those sre usually Finnish. If the man wants Swedish ways, he ought to move to Sweden, or if milder more Finnush version of them then to the wesyern coast of Finland. And if he is an engineer looking gor nature, go find that too in Sweden. Generally if it is diffivult for engineers to get to nayure, one family ouhht not take so much precious room in the naturd, but instead live so that they create the same possibility for others too. 

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