As I have tried to learn to understand why things happen like they happen, and especially relations between cultures, my impression is that if something fine and valuable does not work out or get protected, most of the others are as if ill, they just stumble to a chair and collapse to it, unable to take others into account, unable to rise to finery, unable to take things wisely into account.
Monday, December 27, 2021
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Conquering versus natural areas
In the news it was told of a Swedish family which moved to live in the border of Finland and Russia. Or then it was someone from the Finnish capital district who liked Sweden. Anyway they fell trees and maybe killed peaceful wanderers with old times tools, and they themselves seemed somewhat like from engineering background, and so they srranged everything as if for Swedish rule, while that ruined the only area in the world where somewhat Kalevala like ways of luving are dtill followed, or have ever been. Kalevala is famous, but it is followed only somewhere in the world. Thst is the natural place for it, even though it is much liked also elsewhere. Sweden is also famous but of course different, and it too is mostly followed only in Sweden and somewhat in the Swedisd speaking wedt coast of Finland. That is it's natural place. Conquering areas does not make the cultural demand greater. In Finland there has been Swedish ingöuence for hundreds of years, yet Finland is an edge nation if a big nation while Sweden is a fascinating looking small nation among small nations. In Finland Finns typically could choose Swedish ways but point sfter point they cjoose the bedt alternatives and those sre usually Finnish. If the man wants Swedish ways, he ought to move to Sweden, or if milder more Finnush version of them then to the wesyern coast of Finland. And if he is an engineer looking gor nature, go find that too in Sweden. Generally if it is diffivult for engineers to get to nayure, one family ouhht not take so much precious room in the naturd, but instead live so that they create the same possibility for others too.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
About global warming
Sunday, September 19, 2021
After a nuclear war: For better life
I just listened to a song in the radio and realized why I have been o slow and dum for the last two and a half years: some wise somewhere are mourning the nuclear war that New Year. Maybe they are elderly and don't know why things went so unwisely, and so they keep a pause and went for things to clear, for the younger ones to find again common sense and civiliced wisdom.
But here some of my thoughts about continuing after nuckear war.
If the world is of spirit, the wise can continue with the wise, but the unwise cannot so easily avoid death. (see and )
If some major cities, or even many, got destroyed, that affects the world a lot more than just erasing those away. Modern migrations of peoples force one to explain environmental conditions and cultural wisdom to people coming from entirely different environments and backgrounds. (see and E11. in )
"I 110. I do not always understand the news and what the world is like. For example people in the usa look dark in atmosphere as if they had list New York abd California in nuclear bombings, maybe other places too destroyed around NY. When some place us lost you cannot rely on that place's local culture anymore, and tge differencies between towns etc are huge. But I guess that those places in usa got bombed because they sound important, so ut is not the same with culture of usa which I guess has good sides that are still longed for."
One version of continuing onwards is to live a quite local life and wish well in the world at large, following civiliced wisdom. My e-book about the Skills of Christmas gnomes could offer one road to suych and to a more content life,but happiness in it demands emphasizing the healthy ways of living and doing and civiliced wisdom.
about nuclear bombs
"B17. 28th of January 2020 If there is something big wrong in the world, one often gains a quite serene place if one does not spend much time pondering about it and worrying but instead tries on one's own behalf to not to worsen the situation at all, whatever it is, and that means following civilized wisdom, living an ordinary life and doing positive things."
A positive way of curing illnesses
* One problem is if something maybe happened to children, maybe got murdered in school. I do not have children of my own, but at least some children one can see. School via internet seemed to erase some of the worst problems of school since individual learning is possible when needed, and somewhat fat kids via good food and maybe some bakery can bear school years better. My text about giving birth also brings a positive sense that new babies are born.
20th of September 2021 If the world is of spirit and life after death is like life esrlier, then one could maybe undo atom bombs by synchronizing lives after death.
The impression of ( all new?) atom bomb destruction has been of volcanic lava, which I guess means hydrogen bombs.
16th of October 2021 If I understood right, this song and video is also a view of how to live after nuclear war:
Sunday, September 12, 2021
About paying national dept
An idea like this:
" 1st of September 2021 Money for music or for a puppy that one likes or for the poor and quite poor, money for food, money for farmers who lack money, etc, money for buying a white curing (nurse oriented or the like) animal friend, money for living around voluntary labour for religiously motivated good causes, money for sports, recreation in nature and hobbies, etc, see I 105. in this text about the skills of Christmas gnomes . The idea was curing by my Finnish blog , partially translated at , by reading aloud or by email or chat copying and pasting primarily from the index but also the needed texts. Paying only if gets cured inside 5min, payment some 20%of local medicine centre basic fee per cured illness, special pay for miracle cures. But I do not have the possibility for such since I am already too much in the subject because of having written the blog.
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Different countries typically have different goals
It sometimes happens that some foreigners ruin good life and achievements in your own country whennthey want their own vountry win in those and think that you have sgainst judtice dtolen their chances. But then it often is so that in theur own country they do not have thosr things as major goals and that is why they don't have them and that is why someone wanting such values gets classigied tobyour country, and since they insist something like thst to be added to their original country thry appear to have in that a fight between vountries, whennit in fact is judt the one or few persons misbehavibg snd dedtroying localnpossibilities for life.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Well behaved, high position and skills
My Easy quick school for animals at E11. could be useful for humans too to study. And the rest of the long blog text teaches skills and talents. Could this help peace?

Monday, June 7, 2021
Interpreting looks
" The space a person looks likevhaving is usually the area she/he xarries responsibility over and not his/her rights&power, it is what the person does & thinks thst moment or ordinarily. How high some person appears to be, depends on who made the markings, and usually one has oneself instinctually made such marking on some good grounds and later has just forgotten what the reason was. Typically high skills in the area of life in question and wishing well in large scale things get marked high." part 9. , I 42.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Women power
See in my text Skills of Christmas gnomes points C69., C71. and A84., and maybe back it up with A11.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Against spying technology
When I studied in the University of Helsinki, one of my study pals there, possibly from Asia, was very much afraid of the use of mobile phones to spy people and control them so. I do not so much know about that, a nasty subject, but think if you were wanted to your own dream life, for example dream profession, you would have a place there, safety and support. So please consider moving to live in a town which draws people by givibg such possibilities in just those professions. Please read my blogs and Skills of Christmas gnomes .
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Fair position
"G62. 4th of March 2021 I have given my pets position in a good well working way, the same way I give to others, regardless of age, sex, species etc, both to humans and animals and possible other beings. Each one gets position according to how much understanding and skills they have and how moral they are in the questions etc affected, i.e. one ought to affect toward good of the world and of the society and of the persons, both humans and animals, affected. My poodle Banjo has typically had a good position since he has had 12 years time to learn and adapt to this and he has a good understanding and good will, is interested in the things affected and is considerate and good willing toward others. But in giving position one needs to make safety precautions if someone has not been good enough earlier always, and also if one does not know something for sure. If your skills are not high enough to estimate something, you cannot give high position based on that, but instead just say that it might be but you cannot estimate since your skills are not enough. Generally I think that such position just exists according to justice, it is not exactly ginen by someone, even though one must be considerate toward those affected."
From my Christmas gnome skills text
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
About avoiding a situation turning to a fight
About avoiding a situation turning to a fight if one is alone. Each (even aggressive seeming) person has typically a normal everyday life and it's courses are kind of tracks that he/she is in, and going along those tracks but as somewhat mild or nondangerous version, typically gets situations run well, without conflicts and with good communocation if one oneself is in civiliced ways and functions naturally that way, in civiliced harmony with the environment, yet with quite distant social relationships and only a short encounter.