Often people who suppose that different people have different ages old nature which may be evil too, end up interpreting ordinary rules of behaviour as if one ought to allow evil deeds freely, but that is an error in the picture of the world. All people and animals have at a general level the same basic nature which includes using the senses, moving, eating, understanding, feeling, being part of the social environment for example of the society, communicating in some way, etc. It does not include things that are consequences of the way of w´grew uo or the like, even though it ind´cludes a good understanding and being in a good way a part of the society. Typically people who like to be termed evil, malicious or the like, search for some benefit in sio doing, for example gaining position, rights, some classification for themselves, some reputation that gives the social support, some type of things to do that they like doing, etc, and the situation would oftne be quite easy to understand if one noticed those benefits and centered one's understanding of the situation largely on them being a quite big motivation.
Often people see differencies in how war like one's views are as a conflict that they do not know how to solve, but typically on a general level just about all have the same view: to live their life while being strong enough to protect and keep their sides, but their social pictures of the world are very different, likewise their level and type of social eye and wisdom of life, and so their favourite professions with their skills, skill level and task in the society and maybe in the world are very different.
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