Something which can delay supreme court nomination is lack of safety
and conflicts about what course the court should take. So what brings
safety to government officials?
Rationally grounded moral makes arrangements understandable also to
the selfish individuals and groups, see
Basic view of bureaucrats is that bureaucracy serves to meet people's
needs fairly and according to common sense witha picture of the whole
and civilized wisdom.
Different professions gain safety if they are according to people's
wishes what they with wisdom wish the officials etc to be like. Like
singers should have wisdom of life, police behave according to common
sense and people's views on what kind of moral is ´good to have in a
society, etc.
The Finnish behaviour rule
solves conflicts between individuals, groups and countries. It also
makes government agreed about and law too, if it is placed above them
according to common sense, wisdom and wisdom of life, with a healthy
Maybe also
and http://healthilymoral.
Maybe also
9. July 2018 See also
15. March 2019 About placing the rule "Live and let others live" (i.e. it is ok to be selfish in ways positive for happy life but not to disturb the lives of others except fairly is ok - Think of the trees in a park: each one has it's branches sovereignly but does not disturb the braches of others.) above law. Sin ce the rule is ok but kind of thinking centered and does not allow all possible choices, it might be good to start in a quite (but not overly, I guess) orderly, rationally inclined way, and then let the situation open to this kidn of aloowing view that is positive for happy life.
I do not know about punishments, but could one in one's mind think of different choices, maybe far apart to make it easy in the beginning, and check what the end results affect compared to this rule: what would be the best working society, easy to agree about, giving good life & freedom to all?
28th of March 2020 The rule "Live and let other live" could help also polices' work if used above law but explained with common sense and with the laws too.