Sunday, August 11, 2024

Soft or rigid, of squids, of the handicapped and of engineering

 Just after I had written a piece of text of the sea animals called squids,I found in the news an awful picture that looked somewhat like squids' style and very much like some handicapped waging war via the computer somewhere far away. The handicapped seemed thinking, nice these softer things here, I will fight you in square ways there where such is the custom. His hands seemed like somehow wounded and squid like softness sheltering the joints or adges, turning, parts etc, kind of the more complex functuoning. So in a sense it was like the state of mind of a just wouldded person, kind of thinking "damn you, now I will hit you badly". (Which brings ro my mind some picture of old marathong run in some old olympics, where the runner in the photographer's side looked somewhat round like an exhausted woman, but it was men's marathon, but it is said that women run better long distance, so maybe someone had hidden a female competitor there, and so some where angry if not their female competitor get any unfair chances over men, and somehow I feel that reaching for ponts an dfor just competiting about winning in olympics etc seems a similar phenomenom: do women compete in men's classes and men in womenäs, or somehow some wrong group anyway, like nonathletiuc in the group of naturally athletic etc? Aren't in war usually that some groups are supported a loty, wished there, and some others nopt, and so if the supportred ones are good at arranging things well there, evrything works ut all right, then they are the gorup who has conquered or kept the land there, but if things do not work all right, ut may anyway be that some other borup who is good at arranging things well , in well working ways and good enough for life there, is there inpower or stAYS OR CONQUERS,A DN ITIS JUST SO AND NOT SOME ARMY THING OTHERWUSE.)

But anyway, soft like squid seems listening to slight differencies in living conditions and in ways of doing, so it is good for where caution or high skills or good observational capacity or wusdom of life or softness or maybe some social skills are neededf. But how it compares with rigid in fighting, I do not know. Rigid which is strong to a certain point is oftne good but with too much forcing it breaks. i DO NOT KNOW WHAT SUCH STRENGHT SQUIDS HAVE . Cars have spiral tube like metal softening the effects of the unevenness of the road. Such often smallens the hits also in fighting. 

In fighting a squid like soud round varies against stucks and squares would propably throw the stick like things to the side of the stick like and square like persons. kind of to cure the problem and leave them associating with their own waYS OF THINKING. A varied for can usually vary according to what needed, so it does not mean any lack of strenght. 

Of boys or men fighting in too square ways in far away places viua computers I guess such belongs to the beginning of the era of computers. What I heard of young men, they had some army connected goal of all men in the world being somehow alike, and I guess such could have had some wisdom and social eye, civiliced picture of the world withnciviliced values etc. But they somehow fixed it to rigid ways which may haver been a resyult of computers in the 19980's and 1990's been so much without user-friendliness features and so much without pictures ofbthe world, individual action etc. So nowaday I thnk that should would in the first phaces be corrected toward having rythms, distancies, sizes, number classes of people etc, according to the climate,place etc. But of course there comes the problem of people far away noticing which climates, cultural domains etc the fighters are from. But it does nt seem to be that the problem was that. What I have learned of life, is that even though civilicefd picture f the world with civiliced values and wishing well for the world, are important in practice, most questions of what life is like connect with quite local factors. Like ways of thinking, level fo school education, character traits, preferred styles, activities, types of skills, life aimed at, etc differ a lot from place to place, even 200km  cAN BE A BIG CLIMATE AND CULTURE DIFFERENCE, AFFECTING ACTIVITY, WAYS OF THINKIBG, SPHERE OF LIFE, NATIONAL CHARACTER LIKE THINGS, ETC. Even neighbouring towns that sounded similar, turn out to be differently incined. S it seems that many of the seeming large scale problems also connect with local choices of tuning to certain kinds of things and contacts in the world. And people feeling unhappy if they are not in the right quite local cvlimate zone, kind of not believing the other laces to bee good for life, just one area and culture somewhere having caught the right tune of living. And of course that fits no other places,for example here where they miss that culture they are dreaming of it and sothey are folowing just it aND IT DOES NOT FIT HERE.