Or which ought to lead to blog post 1st of October 2023 in the blog
Or which ought to lead to blog post 1st of October 2023 in the blog
Who cultivates what? One ought to know that.
11th of November 2024 See also
22nd of February 2025 See also
" Like I wrote at , my impression is that the justice systems woukd work well if they followed the rule "Live and let others luve", see F60. st , but said the grounds in common sense like ways according to laws and regulations that make sense.
As valyes there shouls be things well for life, fir all fairly in the future, according to common sense and lits of healthy wisdom of life, allowing individuality, thus with good quality, I guess generalises tio meaningfully behaving beings.
In choosing judges etc, I guess those shoukd be people who have a good view of how to get things settled well for lufe, both for the society and for other countries and grouos in common sense like ways, since the foreigners and other groups often tend to interfere with a country's life. And so one should have a good understanding of hiw things generally go well or get well kn the world, and so one would say the grounds in the above mentioned way, trying to communicate them to those interested in the groups involved, and for the society/societies, so that things would settle in commln sense like ways of people's own.
I think that very skilled wise influencies should be aimed primarily at similarly skilled people with civiliced values, and not to the opposite ebd, which with them would just act and lie. For developing skills basic common sense and civiliced values taught by people kibd of one dtep or teacher level higher than the ones taught, instead of influencies from the oppisite ends. So one should notice what each deed affacts, what are the valyes, skills, skill levels, qualitues, likibgs, areas of comfortabiluty, possible human types, possible motivation for each thing caused, what those at the level of valyes, who identify with such peopke or search for such chouces as hints in lufe, what is the size class so and what hhe values, quality, level and type of honesty should be. What does common sense say?
One should also have social eye. Locally raised aiming abroad to certain fascinating places, maybe gets their types of cultural influencies magnifient like in a hotel, never though finding it easy to get it work out moving there. While one having wanted to move away from somewhere, maybe easily relies on local school learning when mentioned but kind of slips away from that perspective to other possible places to live in. Toward and away from are very different goals.
Just after I had written a piece of text of the sea animals called squids,I found in the news an awful picture that looked somewhat like squids' style and very much like some handicapped waging war via the computer somewhere far away. The handicapped seemed thinking, nice these softer things here, I will fight you in square ways there where such is the custom. His hands seemed like somehow wounded and squid like softness sheltering the joints or adges, turning, parts etc, kind of the more complex functuoning. So in a sense it was like the state of mind of a just wouldded person, kind of thinking "damn you, now I will hit you badly". (Which brings ro my mind some picture of old marathong run in some old olympics, where the runner in the photographer's side looked somewhat round like an exhausted woman, but it was men's marathon, but it is said that women run better long distance, so maybe someone had hidden a female competitor there, and so some where angry if not their female competitor get any unfair chances over men, and somehow I feel that reaching for ponts an dfor just competiting about winning in olympics etc seems a similar phenomenom: do women compete in men's classes and men in womenäs, or somehow some wrong group anyway, like nonathletiuc in the group of naturally athletic etc? Aren't in war usually that some groups are supported a loty, wished there, and some others nopt, and so if the supportred ones are good at arranging things well there, evrything works ut all right, then they are the gorup who has conquered or kept the land there, but if things do not work all right, ut may anyway be that some other borup who is good at arranging things well , in well working ways and good enough for life there, is there inpower or stAYS OR CONQUERS,A DN ITIS JUST SO AND NOT SOME ARMY THING OTHERWUSE.)
But anyway, soft like squid seems listening to slight differencies in living conditions and in ways of doing, so it is good for where caution or high skills or good observational capacity or wusdom of life or softness or maybe some social skills are neededf. But how it compares with rigid in fighting, I do not know. Rigid which is strong to a certain point is oftne good but with too much forcing it breaks. i DO NOT KNOW WHAT SUCH STRENGHT SQUIDS HAVE . Cars have spiral tube like metal softening the effects of the unevenness of the road. Such often smallens the hits also in fighting.
In fighting a squid like soud round varies against stucks and squares would propably throw the stick like things to the side of the stick like and square like persons. kind of to cure the problem and leave them associating with their own waYS OF THINKING. A varied for can usually vary according to what needed, so it does not mean any lack of strenght.
Of boys or men fighting in too square ways in far away places viua computers I guess such belongs to the beginning of the era of computers. What I heard of young men, they had some army connected goal of all men in the world being somehow alike, and I guess such could have had some wisdom and social eye, civiliced picture of the world withnciviliced values etc. But they somehow fixed it to rigid ways which may haver been a resyult of computers in the 19980's and 1990's been so much without user-friendliness features and so much without pictures ofbthe world, individual action etc. So nowaday I thnk that should would in the first phaces be corrected toward having rythms, distancies, sizes, number classes of people etc, according to the climate,place etc. But of course there comes the problem of people far away noticing which climates, cultural domains etc the fighters are from. But it does nt seem to be that the problem was that. What I have learned of life, is that even though civilicefd picture f the world with civiliced values and wishing well for the world, are important in practice, most questions of what life is like connect with quite local factors. Like ways of thinking, level fo school education, character traits, preferred styles, activities, types of skills, life aimed at, etc differ a lot from place to place, even 200km cAN BE A BIG CLIMATE AND CULTURE DIFFERENCE, AFFECTING ACTIVITY, WAYS OF THINKIBG, SPHERE OF LIFE, NATIONAL CHARACTER LIKE THINGS, ETC. Even neighbouring towns that sounded similar, turn out to be differently incined. S it seems that many of the seeming large scale problems also connect with local choices of tuning to certain kinds of things and contacts in the world. And people feeling unhappy if they are not in the right quite local cvlimate zone, kind of not believing the other laces to bee good for life, just one area and culture somewhere having caught the right tune of living. And of course that fits no other places,for example here where they miss that culture they are dreaming of it and sothey are folowing just it aND IT DOES NOT FIT HERE.
29th of July 2024 Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to
" " Wish well for the world at large so that your effect in the world is positive and beautiful. Pay attention to the landscape around, especially trees and the weathers of the season, how they make more alive and spiritually sensitive in return. With the help of this effect on your body and mind, turn to religion seeking for miracle like healing. Give to your body and mind as an advice these effects and that each part of the body should be completely healthy, aim at healing to fully healthy. Each part of the body should heal itself and the neighbouribg areas, the wholebody too back to full health. "
" One's ability to get miracle healed gets better if one in connection with the above miracle healing advice dedicates one's life responsibly and fairly for the good of the world. "
This latter advice is where one can get extra strong effect, partly relying in the thought of the world being of spirit, but also otherwise aiming for the good of the world, without ever erring badly, can bring a much creater force toward recovery than just trying on one's own.
(" 30th of May 2024 The answer to the question of why lost limbs etc do not recover, is msybe that the phace of life isn't such then. Humans need a healthy body that stays healthy, without growing unnecessarily or wrong. But as a baby in their mother's stomach they grow a healthy normal human body, and it seems that it does not require much experience of life, but intentions should be toward the right direction and the goal to be a healthy normal human body. An impression from some mental or spiritual side is tgat if some adult has list for example half a limb, it may be possible for some to grow a new one, but it requires that ghey really wish to live with such a new linb for years and tens of years, fully healthy, are really convinced of such, such is their major lufe chouces. And in such occasions, for example having watched on some mental side someobe grow a new limb, it may be possible to grow also other mussing body parts. ")
" But usually growing other missing body parts goes via spirituality, just wishibg things going well and living according to that wiser healibg picture of the world. So one cannot be social with peopke who wish that weapons would have strobg effects in the sense of no healing possible, or in the sense of suppirting lufe chouces which tebd to cause death. So one should somehow stick to spiritual healing life choices, and so on such roads healing would be possible, one would just transform to healthy vua such lufe chouces. "
The quotations are from which ought to lead to the blog .
Times change, and engineering has developed a lot from what it was in 1970's or 1980's when many present day adults chose their future profession or strategy in life. When engineering was considered an important major tune of the modern world, but so new and elementary thst some sought for extra means for developing the understanding of engineers toward more complex and more resembling life, guessing that anything would be better, they decided that it woukd be good to invest in learning from actors, and in doing anything more complex, being along in life even if it went compketely ashtray, and guessing that such shoukd be given room even if it was only criminal, and that thise who had skills on some other area of life ought to stay on that instead of choosing a profession they themselves like.
So it matters a lot that also more complex machines exist nowadays, both computers and even robots capable of having some kibd of pictures of the world, observation abilitues snd abilities to tune their actions according to their observatiobs and picture of the world. Also the internet brings a wider sphere of complex things into the attention of engineering students etc.
So engineering no longer is so elementary that it stays separate from the rest of the society. And so there is no need to allow all complex things for engineers etc. Instead one should emphasize that with the wide world one ought to rely on school education, on having different emphazies on skills snd values in different school subjects, instead of trying the engineering approsch to everything. In building a picture of the world, objective thinkibg taught by school is much better than engineering studies alone.
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" My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything.
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From my blog
" The Finnish word for an angel is "enkeli", in which "en" means "No, I am not...", and "keli" means weather to travel in, and those both have to be taken into account: freedom to folliw one's likibgs in miral ways, and takkng the situations into account, the situations of all, and folliwing civiluced valyes and healthy wisdom of life.
16th of April 2024 First, follow civiliced values with good quality. Then have some independency, the right to refuse, so as to have some personal fracturelessness and healthy kibd of wisdom in lufe choices. Pay attention to weather like situatiobs: does the thing seem good, wished for in tge world, and for you right now, and for others, kibd of taking the ibfo of feelibgs into accoubt well, since often drawbacks are difficult to put to words, since those are often in another perspective or side or between perspectives, but kind of felt atmospheric fracturelessness in how one is in a landscape may help one notice such and take them wusely into account. "
Today in the news there was a picture of judges of the international court of justice, and it was a kind of dark appearance with educated work, Christianity referred to and yet the interest overly much in matters involvibg awful crimes. So tge questiln tgat arises to one's mind, is can it affect the world toward good if even the jydges are interesred in such crimes?
I do not know, how it works in the justice system, but at least when there are sibgle quite free individuals, thibgs usually work out much better if the suggested arrangemenrs and corrections are understandable and make rationally sense inside the corrected individual's and group's picture of tge world, taking into account that often people claim to be stupid when they break against the good of others or take a too dominant positiln claiming that they did not see any fault in such a temptation.
So one ought to restrict power per deed by quality criterilns, valyes, situation etc, and not by looks and presumed customs in the society when the people are not folliwing the valyes and/or quality their group is claimed to have.
There are basic skills, values, wusdom of life, knowledge of tge world, etc that are valuable and on a general level, suited to many or most, butbuilding a rigid rule, a rigid theory perspectivw fir all to follow, usually does not work in practice, since people's skill levels, values, lufe situatiobs, etc differ a lot, abd usually there are such differencies also betqeen the different ages of a certain individual, and usually also in short term between different occasions with different social influencies, situation, tiredness, point of view, etc. So the world kind of consists of separate paths in life, each for it's own way of living abd spheres of lufe, and those intertwine like meeting separate realities. So there mostly is no common rule. Instead there are lufe skills worth knowing, and areas of applucation i.e. views of a how wide shere of lufe matters, how widely things ought to go welm for lufe in the futyre, for all fairly. Faur play is like the usefulness of market economues: you see what produces what and so you can cjoose what to cultivate and how it works out. Without following the guidelibes for a good future of the world, also in social situations, without makubg excuses, it does not seem that the future of the wirld would be good.
17th of January 2024 A new book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland, northern European Union, hardcover, 15usd +post, soon available at
* * *
It turned out that I sent ny book file to many organizations.
You ought to be able to download the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, for free at .